Baby Memory Book

AED 149.00
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Printed memories last forever

Tell a story, document the moments you lived together. The baby memory book is a good deed companion of moments, memories, achievements, milestones and celebrations. A life treasured with cherished breaths of one of a kind experience that transforms our purpose in life into the finest meanings of love.

What’s special about it?

The ehayas baby memory book is the only, and the first, to ever come bundled with a large square wall poster and a baby-safe, clean-touch inkpad.

Why we like it?

From pregnancy to labour room, and from first birthday till fifth, and everything in between; all available to document in ehayas Memory Book. First vacation with your baby, there's a page for that; holidays season, there's a page for that too; art pieces at school or your secrets, there are pages for that. Maybe you want to show your creativity with some pages of your own, there are well-designed blank pages to do just that.