Alphabet Dating: Everything You Need to Know

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If you’ve been stuck with a handful of dating ideas and can’t find that spark from the early days of your relationship then you may want to try Alphabet Dating. The honeymoon phase of your relationship is over and you’re getting comfortable in your relationship with the usual “let’s go to the movies” or “let’s Netflix and chill” nights means getting bored sometimes.

There’s nothing wrong on getting comfortable in your relationship that you don’t have to hide that your normal dinner is a whole large pizza, two sides, dessert and a large drink. Alphabet Dating is a good way to bring that spark back and mix things up to spice up you relationship.

What is Alphabet Dating?

Alphabet Dating concept it simple; it’s that you and your partner take it in turns to come up and plan regular dates taking inspiration from the alphabet so each date starts with a letter from A to Z. It’s fun, simple and a creative way out of the ordinary dinner and cinema date that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

It adds variety to your dating life and a it’s great way to get to know each other better and try new things. The alphabet dating ideas you and your partner come up with can depend on where in the world you but there are more activities you can do that you think. You just need to think beyond ordinary.

The concept was popular few year ago and was adopted by a lot of people who then documented their experiences on social media. It came back popularity in 2022 and gained momentum after a lot of countries were out of Covid lockdowns.

Who is it for?

Alphabet dating is not exclusive to people of certain age. As much as adults have enjoyed it, kids have had their part in taking the challenge too. They’d normally plan paly-dates around the concept. Anyone can use  the concept to have fun and be creative with their hang outs.

Therefore, it’s for anyone who wants to add some variety and creativity to their dating life and a great way to getting to know somoene. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just starting to date someone new, alphabet dating can be a great way to shake things up and have some fun.

It’s also a great way to try new things and discover new interests together. Even better, it’s a way of discovering mutual interests that you both like in a relationship that will definitley enable you to learn more about your partner.

It’s another, rather unique, way to bond and connect with your partner and it can also help to bring some excitement and novelty to your relationship.

Can you imagine how well this improves your relationship?

Remember that it doesn’t have to be a exclusively for the partners. Chances are that you’re a family and are busy raising your kids. Why not have a family date? There’s no rule that suggest that dates are only for partners. You can even take it further and have your kids plan dates together or with their friends.

Is it costly?

Whether you can afford to go on expensive dates or not is totally up to you. It’s not how much alphabet dating cost; it’s more about the potential gain from the experience. You can dine in a first class restaurant if you can afford it but don’t forget that you can also have a casual dinner in the desert.

Dating shouldn’t be a financial strain so don’t get too carried away with it. There’s no real lower or upper spend limit to it. Howerver, it’s better to maintain an upper spend limit that you can afford so you ensure that you’re not breaking the bank with your date ideas.

As a general rule, plan your dates with a budget in mind that you feel comfortbale with.

Documenting your Alphabet Dating journey

Your alphabet dating journey is a unique exploratory experience that you live with your best friend; whether that be your partner, your kids, your best friend or whoever you decide to take it on with. Documenting that journey is definitley a thing. A lot of people turn to social media to post and speak about their dates and ask for suggestions for date ideas when they find it difficult come up with one.

For those who like to have things organised and prefer to flip real pages, our alphabet dating planner has been made just for that. It’s an A5-sized planner that walks with you through your 26 dates with some extra blank dotted pages at the end in case you have more to say, or doodle, about a date.

Alphabet Dating ideas

You don’t have to plan a date for an activity that you know you don’t like to do but think outside the box to come up with date ideas out of the ordinary. The Internet is full of creative dating ideas from everywhere. Here’s our list of alphabet dating ideas to give you some inspiration for your next date.

Most of the following date ideas are to do in the UAE and the UK.

I’ll try to update the list of ideas if I have the time for it.

By now, you should have got the idea of the concept and maybe you’re starting to plan your first date or writing down your list of alphabet dating ideas. Bear in mind though that you don’t have to do it in alphabetical order. Start wherever you want. The idea is to have fun and enjoy the experience.

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